One of the most famous bakeries in that area of Al-Darraj quarter of the Gaza City. Many people say that they find everything they look for when they come to this place. It provides you with all kinds of bakes and light sweets. I myself visited that place more than 10 times every year. It is one of the oldest places in that city. You can visit and see that beautiful place, I suggest you to visit.
مخبز آلي يقدم المعجنات بانواع مختلفة و العوقا و الخبز الطازج
جودة المنتجات جيدة جدا
لا يوجد ازذحام في المخبز في أغلب الأيام
لايوجد مصف للسيارات
الأسعار كمثيله من المخابز
أنصح بالشراء منه لجودته